School Lessons

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I teach at various schools in North Devon and details of the lessons are provided below.

Signing up for lessons

To sign up for lessons at your school please register on this website and I will add your child’s name to the waiting list for your school. Children normally start by attending a free taster lesson at the at the beginning of a term or half-term. You will be invoiced after the free taster lesson if they want to continue with lessons.

Lesson Details

Lesson Time – 30 minute group lesson.

Cost – Guitar lessons usually run for 10 weeks spread over a term to be paid for at beginning of each term. Lessons cost £40 per term. To keep the cost of lessons low for everyone I cannot refund any missed lessons for any reason except in the case of accepted exceptional circumstances. Occasionally I may have to reschedule/refund a lesson (e.g. due to school cancellation or illness).

Commitment – by undertaking guitar lessons students are making a commitment to complete a terms lessons. If a student decides not to continue lessons during a term no refunds will be given except in the case of accepted exceptional circumstances. Students do not need to put their name down each term for guitar lessons as they will continue every term. Therefore, if a student intends on stopping lessons they need to let me know before the end of the previous term.

Equipment – Students need to bring an acoustic guitar (preferably nylon strings) and a folder for lesson handouts to **every** lesson. A plectrum (pick) and a capo are needed for later lessons.

Paying for lessons

Please register on this website. When registration has been completed you will be able to access the following page – You can pay by cheque, cash, bank transfer, PayPal or Pay a Contact.

Lesson Materials

When registered on this website you will be given access to an appropriate resource such as ‘Stage 1 lessons’. These resources include a set of notes to walk you through the areas covered during lessons. You can use these notes to check progress, catch up on anything that was missed or to look ahead to what will be learnt. If you are a parent you can use these notes to try to understand what you child has been learning so that you can encourage them and offer advice. You will also be able to print out handouts and watch an ever increasing selection of demonstration videos.


Initially children can get very sore fingers and develop blisters if they practice too much.  I recommend starting with 10 minutes practice three times a week. As their fingers toughen and finger strength increases they will be able to practice for longer periods without any discomfort. Please see the ‘Practice‘ section for more details.

Reading Music

Please see the ‘Theory’ section. Students will learn to read TAB notation. Don’t panic! It’s very easy to read. Parents should be able to read TAB with out too much difficulty (even with no experience reading music or playing musical instruments). After they have learned some basic skills they will progress onto written music as well.


Please contact me if you have any questions.